Faith - Ministry Night One

Night One.
We split up two by two leaving the hotel ten minutes apart each team with a translator. We had appointments to share the Gospel in eight homes. We would share a little about our lives and then some Malaria information and then he Gospel. God moved in power as over 40 people got saved and many were prayed for! We don’t always see the results of our work in the moment but we are planting seeds and offering prayer but we trust that God is at work. One appointment we had last night a lady who gave her heart to Jesus explained that she was here in March and that I had prayed for her healing. Something was wrong with the joints in her elbows, and she was healed that night! I didn’t know that she was healed when I prayed for her last March. We don’t always know in the moment but we faithfully plant and God makes the seeds grow. Last night she was spiritually healed giving her heart to Jesus! Each team had new experiences and stories of God moving in peoples hearts. It’s so exciting to see each person on the team grow and use their spiritual gifts here. God is not done and I believe the best yet to come. We all arrived back at the hotel exhausted and then we had a 3 a.m. buss ride to the National Park to ride elephants the next morning. It was a fun experience. We then ate breakfast at the resort and made our way back to Tezpur to get rested up for another busy night of ministry. This afternoon we had an amazing time of prayer and worship as we prepared to head out again. Kaytie asked for the gift tongues and God granted it! I sense that the number of 40 salvations is only the beginning. That number represents the wilderness in comparison to the number He will save in the coming days. God also showed me that one of us would pray for someone with a bad hip and see God heal! I can’t wait to see what happens!
-Pastor Matt