Love like Jesus - Day Three

Day Three.
Our first day here has been eventful. First, we rested, had a team meeting, and a bible study. After that I took a nap. I had woken up at 5:30 in the morning to the sound of obnoxious car horns. We were all thankful for a relaxed day before we started our ministry that would take place a night. The rest of the team went for a walk an ended up at Baptist school across the street. They had a great time visiting with the kids and meeting the teachers.
Our second meeting to prepare for our first night of evangelism was powerful. I could tell that something was wrong with Joie so during our time of prayer I prayed over her. She shared with tear filled eyes that she was heart broken. A group of dirty kids had approached them on their way back from the school and she bent down to hold the hand of a little girl. She was upset that she was so eager to play with the kids at the school but was reluctant with these kids. She explained that she wanted to love these kids like Jesus did. As she cried the team reassured that she did show kindness, compassion, and love to that little girl.
It was such a reminder for us to love like Jesus. Joie’s heart is to love like Jesus. I can’t think of a better thing to do in this world. God used a ranch wife, mom, and florist to remind of us something so simple yet so profound. We are called to love like Jesus. Sometimes God even reassures us of His love answering bold prayers. Joie had been praying for an opportunity to hug this little girl and tell her that Jesus loved her. Today as we were walking back to the hotel across the street guess who Joie saw! This little girl that Jesus loved got a hug from Joie and Joie got a hug from God.
Tonight our appointments begin. We will be going out in teams of two in separate vehicles to different homes. This will draw less attention. May God move in power and protect us as we go and may we love like Jesus.
-Pastor Matt