Power & Presence - Ministry Night Two

Second ministry night Our expectations do not always match God’s plans. We have ideas in our minds about how God is going to do something or at least how we think he ought to do something, but we are often wrong. God’s ways are not our ways. Tonight, Charmonique and I had two appointments. Our first appointment was to encourage a man who had walked away from the Lord and was not treating his family well. I sensed there was more to the story. His wife had left him but I am not sure why. He had three precious daughters and they were believers. It was a blessing to be able to encourage them in the lord and pray over them. The Heavenly Father smiled on these precious girls as we prayed over them. Our third appointment was in a wealthier home. We met with the mom and daughter of this home. They were devout Hindus, but God was reaching into the depths of their hearts. The daughter was heading off to college soon to pursue a Masters in English literature. The nice thing was that we did not need a translator. This young lady was precious to the Lord and He was pursing her. She seemed to hang on our every word as we shared about our lives and how God had sent us there to tell them how much he loved them. I eventually shared the plain and powerful gospel with her after having shared our testimonies of faith. The mom was more closed off at first as she knew that we were Christians but you could see God was opening her heart. The moment of power and presence came as we asked the young woman if we could prophesy over her and ask God if He wanted to share anything with her. Up to this point they were intrigued but not compelled. The room fell peacefully quiet as we bowed our heads and hearts to listen to the Holy Spirit on her behalf. We leaned in close to hear Him whisper about this precious child. God then moved as only He could. He showed us her broken heart and anxiety. As we released these divine messages of encouragement and hope, she was seen and God wooed her. She was blown away that we saw her broken heart and that God had answered a prayer that she had prayed so specifically the night before. She had asked Him to send her a message. He sent us, His messengers, halfway around the world. She did not surrender in that moment but wanted to. She and her mother were seen and touched by the immense love of God. I suspect that this planted seed will soon sprout in the heart of at least the daughter. She was overwhelmed by the one true God who sent her a message and gave her a huge hug.
Driving from home to home last night we were in the divine will of God. Our interpreters John and Mary were both going through some pain and suffering in their own lives. The car was filled with the presence of the Holy Spirit as He ministered healing and peace into both of their hearts. Mary had suddenly lost her mom a year ago. Jon was dealing with inadequacy and sadness. This is a tough place and time to live as a Christian. Mary is a spunky school teacher and glimpses of her resilient and feisty spirit would occasionally manifest but the sadness in her eyes told us another story. The enemy had kept her in her pain and this was the first ministry work she had done in a year. She felt that now was the time to go and God blessed her in ways she could not have imagined. God peered into her broken heart and ministered prophetic encouragement into her soul as we prayed and prophesied over both of them in the car. Sometimes, to move from our place of being stuck, we have to take a step of faith and just go like Mary did last night. We will find His grace and mercy as we faithfully serve Him. We are so blessed to be a part God’s story in all of their lives. A fitting end to a blessed day. The divine party of God’s blessing. The night wasn’t over. Tired and ready to head home we ended up at Uttam’s home waiting for some other team members to ride back with us to our hotel. While waiting Charmonique and I were asked if we wanted to go a wedding dance. We said sure of course. We were tired but not dead. This was a Christian wedding and a true celebration of God’s divine blessing. Everything came to a halt as we walked in. We were the first white people many of them had seen. Many came to take pictures with us and shake our hands. The bride and groom were brought to us and we were asked to pray over them and then they presented us with the traditional scarves of blessing and honor. We had joined the celebration for a brief moment of heavenly joy learning one of their traditional dances. The only thing missing was Jesus himself walking through the doors to celebrate with us. Until His glorious return our hearts will long for the day when we see Him face to face and fall on ours and worship Him. For now we will seek him and find him in the faces of the those who have been invited, the daughters of broken earthly fathers, the tired and broken ministry workers, the newly weds, and those dancing with us in this divine celebration we call life.
-Pastor Matt