Sent Messengers - Day Two

January 30, 2025 10:02 PM
Sent Messengers - Day Two

Day Two

Last night we were warmly welcomed by Charles and Roini who picked us up from the airport. This man has had a huge impact on the unreached people of this country. He is gifted in evangelism and teaching. His heart for God is amazing. He has literally put his life on the line numerous times for the sake of the gospel. I am honored to call him a brother in Christ.

Today we joined up with Charmonique from South Africa. The team is starting gel and grow together as we get to know each other better. It is amazing how God put each person on the team. We all bring different gifts and talents that God is going to use for His glory and honor. Our hotel stay was very nice last night. I think we will all be happy to finally arrive in at our final destination. The flying has been a lot it seems. We will have a three hour drive to to our final destination once we land. Taking the Gospel to the ends of the earth is literally what we are doing.

I have done a lot of reflecting on my past trips to this place in the last couple days. God has used this place to help me to see the world through His eyes. He loves people and there are so many people here it is overwhelming. It is easy to not think about the people of the world at home. I never want to be a complacent or apathetic Christian. Compassion is something that we should not ignore or suppress because it is from God. When we live self focused lives we ignore the compassion that Jesus had and honestly it becomes easier to ignore the rest of the world. I want to burn with Holy Spirit passion for the lost and broken. Luke 19:10 says, “For the son of man came to seek and save the lost” He sends His messengers to the unreached places at just the right time and I know that this time and place and season is no different. I am thankful for this journey. I pray that this is as impactful for the young people on my team as it was for me. I sense that God is going to do more than I could possibly imagine. He likes to do that.

This morning we got word that Daniella Gilboa was finally released from captivity in Gaza! We have been praying for her release as a church since March. There were some days that I wasn’t sure that we would ever see this day. God had a plan all along and I am so thankful that we were able to be a small part of it. I pray that one day we will get to meet her face to face and tell her how much her God loves her. Jesus really is the chain breaker and miracle worker. I am not sure how God is going to continue to use this story but I sense that this is going to be bigger than we know.  

-Pastor Matt

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319 East O ST Ogallala, Nebraska 69153
Office Hours
Mon., Tue., Thu., Fri., 8:30a-5:30p
Wed. 8:30a-2:00p / 4:00p-5:00p
Offices are located at 319 E. O Street.
Weekend Gathering Times
Ogallala Campus: Sunday: 9a & 10:45a
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